Company Law and Secretarial Services

  • Formation of Companies
  • Advising on various matters under the Companies Act, 2013
  • Assisting in Winding-up of companies/striking off the name from the Registrar of Companies under the Act
  • Filing of returns under the Indian Company Law
  • Drafting of minutes and maintenance of secretarial records under Company Law

Both private limited and public limited companies including drafting of memorandum and articles of association as well as Formation of Section 8 Company (Non-profit making organization).

Back office work or compliance with all company law requirements like maintenance of statutory records, minute books & filling of required documents with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) etc.

  • E- Filing of Documents with MCA.
  • Getting the Company name changed.
  • Formation of Section 8 Company (Non-profit making organization)
  • Getting Charge Registered
  • Getting Director Identification Number (DIN)
  • Getting Digital signatures.

We provide consultancy on all company law issues in respect of mergers and acquisitions of companies and also carry out the entire range of services/activities involved in carrying out complete merger/ acquisitions exercise.

AKPR specialized in providing a whole gamut of Company Law Services to the esteemed clients. We have an excellent team of Corporate Legal Advisors whom you can contact to avail reliable Company Formation Services in India. We have complete knowledge about Companies Act and can resolve any queries you may have in this regard.

Company Law and Secretarial Services
  1. Registration of the New Company, Section 8 Company, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP), Change of Name, Change of Objects, Change of status from Public Ltd to Private Ltd and vice a versa
  2. Conversion of a Partnership Firm/ Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) into a Company
  3. Registration of Foreign Company (Branch Office / Liaison Office / Project Office)
  4. Assisting in making petitions to be filed with Company Law Board, Regional Director, Registrar of Companies
  5. Assistance in shifting of registered office from State to another
  6. Assisting in preparation of Minutes, Notices, Agenda & Resolutions for Board Meeting, Annual / Extra-Ordinary General Meeting & Committee Meetings
  7. Assisting in preparation of various registers like Register of Member, Register of Transfer, Register of Charges, Register of Director, Register of related party transaction, etc.
  8. Liasioning with the office of Registrar of Companies, Regional Director and Company Law Board for obtaining various regulatory approvals
  9. Arranging Secretarial Compliance Certificate for Public, Private & Listed Companies
  10. Assistance in procedural compliance required toward mergers, demergers, acquisition, amalgamations, take over, slump sale etc.
  11. Assisting in winding up/closure of companies in India
  1. Assisting in compliance of various Listing Clauses under the Listing Agreement.
  2. Guiding on compliance of Clause – 49 of the Listing Agreement i.e. Corporate Governance
  3. Quarterly / Half-Yearly / Yearly conducting Secretarial Audit of Listed Companies for ensuring Listing/SEBI compliances
  1. Assisting in filing of various forms under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997
  2. Assisting in filing of various forms under SEBI Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992
  3. Advising on various SEBI Regulations like SEBI Takeover Code, SEBI Insider Trading Regulations, SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009, SEBI Portfolio Managers Regulations, SEBI Broker Regulations with respect to IPO, Public Issue, Right Issue, Bonus Issue, Preferential Allotment, QIP, Delisting, etc.
  4. Assisting in obtaining various regulatory approvals from SEBI / BSE / NSE
  5. Assisting in Delisting of Companies from Stock Exchanges under SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009
  1. Assisting in preparation & filing of various forms under Trademark, Copyrights & Patent Act
  2. Assisting in Registration of a Trademark, Copyright & Patent
  3. Assistance in drafting of related legal documentation for licensing or assigning of Intellectual property rights (IPRs) like trademark, technical know-how, etc.
Company Law and Secretarial Services


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